Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Interview with the Local newspaper.

I'm a little nervous. I've got an interview today with the local newspaper about my book.  The Horse That Haunts Dreams.  One of my co-workers, bought three copies of my book and gave one of the copies to the newspaper for a review.  Then the paper called and wanted to do an interview. If all goes well, the article and review will come on in the Friday edition of the paper.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Trip to the Vet

Ladybug has been having some weird muscle twitching on her face. Mostly her left side muzzle and around her eye.  We noticed it a week ago on Sunday, and decided to keep an eye on it for a few days before going to the vet.  The twitching continued occasionally, but not all the time. Then last Saturday, Keith noticed a big swelling over her left eye socket. The twitching had stopped, but the swelling was new. So I called and made a non-emergency appointment for the vet because other than the muscle spasms, Bud didn't seem to be in any distress. She's been eating and drinking well and she doesn't have any lameness or coordination problems or anything that would suggest serious neurological issues.

So we just came back from the vet and Bug must have bumped her head or something. Vet says no riding her for 2 weeks to see if the swelling and facial twitching will go down. I'll have her on some bute for the swelling, antibiotics just in case it's an infection and we are waiting for the blood test results to rule out mineral/chemical imbalance in the body.  Dream is good though. Wanted to start riding Topper again also, but looks like she cut herself AGAIN on a hind leg. And the mules too fat to get a saddle on. So looks like we won't be riding for a couple weeks. I can ride I guess, but Keith doesn't have a critter to ride at the moment. 

So we'll give her a couple weeks rest and see what happens.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Beautiful Day to go riding

Had fun today on my Dream horse off for a ride. While the rest of the country is socked in with snow, it's hard to believe it's the middle of February in the north west mountains of New Mexico. I didn't even have to wear a jacket or gloves. Just my T-shirt under a flannel shirt and my fleece vest. Plus I got enough sun that my nose turned pink. (well I'd like to believe that, but every time I go outside for any reason my nose turns pink so that's not really brag worthy.)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Made Amazon's Best Seller List!

Well my lovely friends have bought my book and for some strange reason, it's hit the best seller list on  
It's amazing to see it on the list but I'm glad.  I hope you all like it.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Finally it's Published!!

The Horse That Haunts Dreams: And Other Horses I Have Known

Well finally, I've got it published. I'd like to offer a few free e-books in exchange for an honest review. If you are interested in a copy of the e-book post a comment below.
I would appreciate it if you would post a review on or at or both.
This offer is good for the entire month of February.

The Horse that Haunts Dreams