Monday, February 4, 2013

GRRR Blogger is making me mad

Anyone else been having trouble logging into blogger? I've had to change my password EVERY day for the last week because Blogger seems to decide not to accept my last password. I'm getting really ticked off now.


  1. I know a few folks have had trouble loading pics etc, not with log in though. I struggled with it for a long time then finally went to CHROME and so far so good

  2. I still use Blogger/Blogspot as my Blog platform, but I don't upload photos or compose posts on Blogger. I've been using Windows LiveWriter for that for the past 2 years and will never do it differently, because it's free, easy to use, and I don't have to be online to compose posts or upload photos, and when I'm ready for the post to upload, Windows LiveWriter does it for me....without requiring any passwords.

    You should try it. Especially for writing long posts. It's great!

