Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ride the Divide

Labor Day Monday we loaded up Baby Girl and Ladybug and headed out for Continental Divide.  It's only about 10 miles down the road. We wanted to get Baby Girl out for some Practice rides away from home. She's only been on one other off property trail ride and out with other horses only three total times, so she needed to get used to seeing another horse on the trail with new sights and sounds. We went to an area on the Cibola National Forest that used to be a military Radar Station. The only thing left there now is a paved road leading to it and a paved parking area big enough to hold multiple horse trailers or turn a big rig around in it. You do have to be careful on the road leading in, it is paved, but years of neglect have allowed the weeds and shrubs and even trees to grow in on the edges. You will have to drive down the center line of the road most of the way.  

The riding area is just totally awesome. We made a big loop that was approximately 8 miles and took about 2 hour.

This first photo is a view from the parking area looking out on the valley below.

We rode out through the valley for a while before we finally got up in the trees. 
Then we looped around and came back out of the trees on the far side of the valley.

We got home in time to take Booger Butt for a 30 minute ride in the round pen.  He's doing really well. We even practiced a few of our obstacles in hand so he'll get used to them. He walked over that tarp as if he's been doing it his whole life.


  1. This looks really familiar - I roade the Divide this summer from Wisdom, MT to Leadore, ID.
    I wish I could do it mor often but I live in Seattle!

  2. Now that's my kind of ride! Beautiful scenery. Sure wish we lived closer and I could ride with you sometime.
    I'm glad you guys had a great time and Boogerbutt is doing well.


  3. Lisa, it's about 3 hours from your place to here. and if you want to spend the night, I know a great horse motel right beside Bluewater Lake state park.
