Monday, January 18, 2010

Baby Girl's Vet Visit

Well we got back from the vet today. Baby Girl has had a lump on her knee for about 2 weeks now.  It looks like this. 

She also had a lump on her hock that I didn't get a good photo of.  So here we are getting ready to go.  Watching Keith make sure all the trailer tires have the proper amount of air.


Then here she is looking at me taking pictures of her. Her appaloosa eyes ALWAYS make her look spooked even when she's not. 

This filly always amazes me with her calm and accepting attitude. She had not been in a trailer in over a  year. The last time she went anywhere was when she needed to see the vet during her yearling year for a couple different issues. But today she loads right up like she'd been doing it every day for years. 

So off we go in the purple truck and the green and black and white horse trailer that Keith repainted a couple years ago. It really used to be rust and silver and it looked horrible.


He even painted the insides of the trailer all white to make it easier for the horses to see in the dark plus he put in lights inside. Not to many old (1988) two horse trailers have lights in side. 

And these reflectors we found on E-Bay are totally awesome also. I had the flash on and you can see them reflect even in the middle of the afternoon on a cloudy day.


Anyway back to the vet visit. We got X-rays. We had to stand out side in the front of the vets office next to a busy street with cars whizzing by because the equine stocks and exam area is being rebuilt after a fire last year at the office. Baby Girl stands calm and cool and relaxed as can be. She so reminds me of Hobo (the reason she was bought, and a story for later).

The Vet says he sees a tiny chip near the back of the knee. I'm just not seeing any chip. The vet gave me copies of the x-rays on a CD. They have a new digital x-ray machine that makes developing x-rays instantaneous. It's really cool! Anyway the front of the knee is clean with no issues noticed. 

But supposedly on the lateral there is a chip. I don't see one, but  I haven't read x-rays since 1996 since i last worked as a vet tech. I really hope and pray though that it was a misread and she's just got some soft tissue injuries. 

The hock issue is a tendon issue and not major. And since she's not lame on either leg, the vet has issued a prescription of rest, Limit movement (sick pen time), liniment rubbing and wrapping. Well I have a hock wrap, a knee wrap and leg wraps below them to hold them up. Most of my leg wrapping stuff is completely dirty and needed to be washed so she kind of looks a little funny with multiple different wraps on her legs. She sure didn't like that hock wrap either. 

Oh yea and If you can't tell from the last photo, it's snowing again here.

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