Wednesday, January 6, 2010

AML Appaloosas

I haven't posted photos of the horses for a while so here is the herd.


  1. Some snappy ponies ! I like your lepoard. and the little bay,and... Tell me about the dude at the bottom , me thinks there is dude with a story

  2. well in order from the top we have
    Hobo's Dream Girl ( AKA Baby girl) She will be three this year.

    Northstar Ladybug (AKA The bug) she will turn 6 this year.

    Anna's Top Dun ( AKA Topper, The Money Pit, Danger Prone Daphne or Dufus) she' is also 6 this year.

    Bright Snow Eagle (AKA baby boy, or booger butt) he is the only boy and he will be truning 2 this year.

    And The " Dude at the bottom" yea she has a story all her own for sure.
    B $ S Shy Ann ( AKA Monster, shyster, trouble, muley butt and most often " Stop opening the gates dammit") She will be 16 this year and her adventures will have to be full posts of their own.

  3. Nuts ! I wondered when I said "dude " give her some scratches from me and tell her I am, sorry

  4. Hello there! Your horses are absolutely beautiful! I guess they keep you very busy. Such beautiful creatures. See you again soon. Ros

  5. Bright Snow Eagle aka Booger Butt reminds me a lot of my Appy boy, Scout. He has such appytude. Does yours have 'tude too?
